Transform your sales enablement career in a single day.
Transform your sales enablement career in a single day.
Industry-leading, community-led curriculum that covers the core pillars of the sales enablement function from every angle - with nothing but expert intel throughout.
After the big day, make your way through exam questions that consolidate what you learned in the course, and help you take your learnings out into the real world.
After the big day, make your way through exam questions that consolidate what you learned in the course, and help you take your learnings out into the real world.
Cutting-edge insights from world-leading sales enablement experts from Salesforce, Equifax, Qlik, and more on how they've achieved success - so you can tap into their learnings.
StudiesCreate your own bank of tangible takeaways, bring them back to your boss, implement them right away, demonstrate instant ROI, and grow your career.
Live in-person
Meet for one-day in person classroom training taught by an industry expert and absorb the knowledge of like-minded SE pro's.
Group activities
Endless networking, lots of opportunities to ask questions, engaging group activities and time to pick the brains of your peers.
Official certification
After your learning, you’ll be Sales Enablement Certified accredited by CPD (provided you pass the exams).
Learn from industry experts like:
VP Strategic Slack Enablement at Salesforce
Global Head of Sales Enablement at Qlik
Head of Sales Enablement at Guardian News & Media
Director of Sales Enablement, Comms & Innovation at Everest Group
Director, Sales Enablement at Upside
Director of Sales Excellence at Equifax UK
Unlock an additional 8+ courses 🔓
Unlock an additional 8+ courses 🔓
Who’s this sales enablement course for?
This course is for anyone that’s ready to boost their sales enablement strategies and skills to the next level. Want to become a well-rounded sales enablement team, add more value to your company, and become true experts in the realm of sales enablement? This course has you covered.
What are the benefits of gaining a sales enablement certification?
Not only does our sales enablement course provide you with the skills and confidence to lead an effective sales enablement program, it also gives you an accredited SE certification, backed by a host of the world’s leading authorities on sales enablement.
How does the in-person course work?
The course is live and in-person. Enroll, attend on the day and work through modules and take part in activities alongside your peers. After the day’s up, you’ll gain access to an on demand version of the course to refresh your memory and access bonus footage. If you pass the mandatory exam questions, you’ll become Sales Enablement Certified!
How long will the course take to complete?
In-person, you’ll attend from 9am through to 5:30pm. Then, you’ll gain access to the onDemand version of the course, featuring 15 hours of content, activities, and exams.
What happens if I don’t pass the exams?
Once you’ve attended in-person, you’ll gain access to the exam questions onDemand.
If you fail the first time around, you'll be given the option to retake the exam. If you fail the second attempt, unfortunately, it means you won’t get the certificate. However, all’s not lost, you’ll have still learned a ton, and you’ll be given access to the course materials for life - so you can brush up on the bits you slipped up on whenever it suits you.
How long will I have access to the course content?
For life! A single, one-off payment gives you unlimited access to all the in-person classroom training, and onDemand content forevermore.